Fraud Protection

Revolutionary fraud detection with accuracy, clarity and speed! Liftoff's Fraud Protection defends your fintech and payments programs from card-present and card-not-present fraud by combining reactive and proactive tools to stamp out payments fraud and drive your success.

Liftoff clients using Fraud Protection experience fraud losses of approximately one basis point, on average. That's 55 percent lower than the industry average. Our Card Production Partners are Arroweye, Beautiful Card Corp, CPI Canada, CPI Colorado, CPI Nashville, CPI Minnesota, Fiserv, G&D, Gemalto, MT&L, Perfect Plastic and Valid.

Al Boosts Fraud Detection Success.

At your option, you can add artificial intelligence coverage to Liftoff's fraud protection. Our Fraud Protection with Al is fintech's most accurate artificial intelligence for fraud, unleashing the power of machine learning on the massive amounts of transaction data we handle to detect previously undetectable fraud patterns and drive fraud losses even lower. Fraud Protection

Premium Service And Technology

Liftoff's Fraud Protection is a robust, rules-based fraud detection system that injects specific transaction rules for specific fraud patterns or events.

Our SSL technology allows every transaction your clients process through Liftoff against your custom Fraud Protection rules, which incorporate account, transaction and system data points that pinpoint potential fraud in real time and trigger appropriate actions. In addition to reducing the fraud loss average for participating clients to around one basis point, Liftoffs Fraud Protection can help you reduce false positives (i.e., legitimate transactions that are blocked) to protect your customers' user experiences.

With the addition of Al capabilities, Liftoffs Fraud Protection goes further to identify and remember developing fraud patterns and apply its learnings to block future transactions exhibiting those patterns. And, it works 24/7 to continually self-improve its algorithms to get "smarter" at detecting emerging fraud patterns.